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About The Monday Players


In 1979, the then Village Hall Chairman suggested that, as there was a lot of talent in the village, we could produce a village concert.


And so it happened.

The Village Music Hall as it was called (with a different compère for each one) had many quite professional turns and some hilarious sketches and it ran for 18 years.

Around the middle of this time another lady suggested that a pantomime was a possibility and so began to Escrick Pantomimes in 1988.

After the fourth Panto had been a particular success and the cast were sad because they had to wait two years before another one.

The pantomimes director, in the mean time, had been to the Georgian Theatre in Richmond, North Yorkshire to see Alan Ayckbourn ‘s Seasons Greetings. She suggested to the panto cast that they try a serious play  in the in-between years.

It was a huge success and the company was greatly encouraged by one member who said, “You cannot let this go now”...


The same people were acting in the play as were in the pantomimes, and it became too much and so the pantos stopped and the plays continued and  the Monday Players was born.

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